Monday, March 24, 2008

Our New Puppy

The Easter Bunny decided that a new puppy was a better idea than a new bunny. I don't know what that Easter Bunny is thinking! He must be crazy! Oh well, we love our new little puppy. He is very well behaved and doesn't cry or poop in my house.... YET.
He does not have a name yet, but we are working on it. We would love your suggestions. Our present dog Daisy also loves the pup. She even lets the puppy nurse off of her for comfort. (She has no milk) Kinda weird, but so cute.

Easter Morning


Haskins said...

Hi, I just found your blog thru Tara's. Your blog is so cute!! What a cute family you have! I hope you dont mind but I am going to add you to mine. Mine is private so if you want to see it just email me and I will send you an invite! Angie(septon)haskins

K. Laura said...

You can bet that a bunny would have pooped in your house by now, so you should be happy with another dog. But really, ANOTHER DOG???!!! How DO you do it? My kids BEG me for one, but since I'm not a dog lover I keep putting them off. Kind of nice that our landlady doesn't permit it. Then it's not my fault. ;-)
A name? Let's see, you've got about Duke? No, wait, can't do that--that's your nephews name. ;-) How about Sparky?

Tara said...

You guys our so brave to take on another animal. But, think of it this way you our great parents and your kids will always remember and talk about the easter where they got a new puppy. Good luck with it. Tell the kids hi and happy easter.

Michelle Arnett said...

You are crazy! 2 dogs! I would love another dog. . . joe would never have it! Was it Jeff's idea or yours? You are a good momma. . . I never knew you were such a doggie lover. That has got to be the funniest thing that Daisy lets her nurse.

Jen-ben said...

ahhhh so cute!! How about Jen. :)

a10cowwoman said...

What type of dog is he? He sure is cute.

Mindy said...

my husband totally wants a dog...but I am not ready for that...Gavin is enough work for me right now...but cute dog! what about the name sugar? hahah