Wednesday, March 19, 2008

NO Bunny for Easter

So the votes are official. Jaydan and Cassidy WILL NOT be receiving adorable little bunny rabbits for Easter. I have to admit, we haven't had the best of luck with rabbits in the past.
Have a wonderful Easter!!


Chris Sambrano said...

Good idea. Don't you remember when I got that one for Lindsay when she was 8 years and it lived and lived and lived and I hated taking care of it and Lindsay didn't do anything with it so you made a very good choice. Dad finally took the poor thing up the canyon and let it go. Love ya, mom

Tara said...

I'm so glad Tara showed me your site. I love it. Do you remember when we got Chase a rabbit for Easter and Nathan was trying to get his pet merit badge... so Chase let him be in charge of feeding CJ (the rabbit) and we think Nathan forgot to feed or water him, so he died. It's kinda funny now, but very sad at the time. Nate had to start over on his pet merit badge and the kids didn't get anymore pets.
Happy Easter
Tara's Mom