Monday, March 3, 2008

Daughters of a King

Here are my sweet little girls. Cassidy and Kayleigh. They are the sweetest little girls any mom could ask for. They can be little stinkers too, don't get me wrong.

When I think about raising children in this world, especially girls, it scares me a little. All I want to do as a mother is raise my daughters to the best of my ability. I am slowly trying to teach them this now.

Here is what I will try to teach them:

Sometimes, even though we believe we are His daughters, we have trouble understanding His great love for us. We feel inadequate, not worthy of His love. The biggest fear I think we have in life is that we’re not good enough—haven’t you felt that? It’s one of Satan’s biggest lies. That you’re not good enough and that someone’s going to laugh at your efforts. We’ve all felt this before. Isn’t that sometimes why we go with the crowd and do not object to things we should object to?Satan wants us to feel this way. He wants us to compare ourselves to others or what we believe others to be. It’s kind of like comparing ourselves when we wake up in the morning, to what someone else looks like all dressed up for church. We know why God loves them, but we might not be so sure about our value to the Lord. Or our value to anyone.

I often need to hear these words for myself. There is no greater lesson than to teach our children how important they are in this world.

To hear our favorite song:


Jen-ben said...

I love that last pic of Cassidy so much! She looks so old! I miss you guys!!

Chris Sambrano said...

Hey Michele, it's mom! I just want to let you know how proud I am of you. Your blog is very special and it's wonderful to read updates and special things about you, Jeff and my precious grand children. Also, I put the music you downloaded and listen to it at work instead of a country station I usually listen to. I love you so very much as I do all of your siblings. Being a mother and now grand mother is the greatest gift you can ever have in this life. Hope you have fun in New York. I'll talk to you when you get back. Love, mom