Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Little Miss Pouty Pants!

Do you ever have those days where you are just pouty!! Everything gets to you that day, and you feel like you just want to complain to someone!? I totally had one of those days the other day! I woke up to kids bickering over cereal or something silly, then a client got really mad at me and hurt my feelings, and I just decided that my life was dumb.  I was letting everything affect me that day and I was acting like a total Debbie Downer pouty pants baby!! Luckily I have awesome people in my life who let me vent sometimes, and just patiently listen to me while I grumble, grumble, grrrr, grrrr, & murmur, murmur! (I know we all have these days and it's ok sometimes, as long as it's not everyday!!  Because then it just plain effects your life and who you are)
So on this particular day, my awesome friend told me to watch this video.  It was so great! Really made me feel like I wanted to try to have a better attitude everyday when I wake up! I am so grateful for the little things in my life! The pitter patter of little feet every morning, hearing about who Jaydan thinks is pretty at school, Cassidy skipping around the house all day without a care in the world!! I'm grateful I have friends who know the real me and still love me, and for family who just calls to say we are thinking about you.  For a home and a job, and health and for so, so so so much!! I hope you love this video as much as I do:)  Click on the you tube link below to watch!!

Let's all try a little harder to turn our frowns upside down!! Ok..Bye.



Chris Sambrano said...

Thank you Michele for sharing that video. It was just what I needed. And yes we all have pouty days and we feel like crap but, like you said, as long as it's not every day and we move on and see what we have to be grateful for, life seems bearable again. I'm grateful for children that continue to teach me so I can keep going on. Love you

Shana said...

Oh girl, I sooo know how you feel!! I'm so sorry! But yes, us girls need to have a day to pout or vent and it is perfectly ok... just as long as we don't stay there like you mentioned. :) you're very wise! Pout all you want! I'm so glad you have family and friends that you can vent to!! It always helps to get things off your chest!
Love ya tons