Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas already??

I cannot believe a whole year has gone by again!! Jeesh time flies!! 

Well, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving with some great friends and now we are getting all geared up for Christmas!! My favorite holiday!  I have to be perfectly honest though, a part of me is a little sad inside.....this will be the first year I don't get to wake up to kids on Christmas morning :(  The harsh reality of divorce...sharing holidays...it sucks!! But I will be fine, and get through it just like I have gotten through anything else...by crying and pouting all day!!..haha JK!!  I'm sure I will head down to Utah and be with my family and friends! :)

Luvin the Christmas music, luvin the lights, luvin December!

2011.......BRING IT ON!!!

Thanksgiving dinner with friends

Jen and Michele

Gingerbread house!!

This kept Kayleigh busy for 2 hours!

Best hamburgers in Colorado...Cherry Cricket! 
(J dawgs bday dinner)

Dear Santa, 
I need a new door knob...
how about a prince charming to come fix my door knob...
I've lived with this for 4 yrs now! It's unfixable!

Cassidy wearing my pajamas, Jaydan in tie die and plaid shorts, 
me in broncos santa hat...we are total dorks for real!



Chris Sambrano said...

Loved the pics! I sent Jaydan's b-day gift this morning. It should get there by Friday. Christmas is hard for me too but we'll all get through it together:) I'm going to try and decorate this weekend! Love and miss you and the kids so much!!

Anonymous said...
