Friday, October 22, 2010

Mom, mom, MOM, Mooooom!!! Is this month over yet??

It was never in my life plans to be a single, working mother at age 31. But as we all know, life is never plan A right? Anyway, life is really testing my patience this month!
Ugh! Where do I begin?
I love my job with a passion! I get to teach, sale, socialize and travel around Colorado to different spas and doctor's offices. It's awesome and I love it. However, it is demanding, and my kids and I are all adjusting to me working. Luckily, I get to work from home a few days a week and travel around a couple days a week. Kayleigh goes to my friend Natalie's twice a week usually. So this month has been my busiest yet! Kayleigh has only tried to hide my computer twice and is doing much better at not climbing in my bed in the night. Jaydan is crazy busy with fball, scouts (gets his Arrow of Light next week), he tried out for his school news channel and made it, and has only liked 2 girls this yr so far. All my kids have been sick 2 or 5 times this month and luckily, I haven't gotten it too bad. Cassidy is in theater classes, dance and a show choir for girls her age and started achievement days! She just made it in a new play and rehearsals are in full effect! Ugh for mom and double ugh for the money that goes into it! Her makeup even has to be from a specific store. But she is a darling little performer and she loves it! So, the other day Cassidy came home from school and informed me that her legs were hairy. She said so and so from school told her that she has hairy legs and she should shave. I of course said no freakin way and decided to let her in on a little secret are part mexican. I told her she can shave when she's older. Oh the drama!
Can we all take a moment of silence for DJ who ran away, got taken to the pound and is not coming home. Ok, I'm not that mean. He's our one eyed dog named Derek Jeter for heavens sakes (by the way go Yankees!)I got him out and gave him to a family that will take much better care of him. Anyhoo, don't even miss him.
I'm just ready for the holidays! November and December make me happy. I have so many amazing friends who help me out and just love me.
Goodbye October! Bring on the Turkey and stuffing Baby! and please say a prayer for my stupid expedition that it will stop being stupid and breaking down for no reason.


The Carters said...

Hahahaha! I love this post! And I love you! You make me laugh :) And doesn't always turn out how you plan. I'm trying to learn patience at the least I think that's what I'm supposed to be learning? Maybe I'm missing the boat and I'm supposed to be learning something else? I haven't figured it out yet, but I'll let you know when I do. Haha.

Shana said...

Oh Michelle,
I remember all too clearly! It is so hard being a single working momma!! You are doing awesome though!! You are a great Mom and I know they will appreciate you so much when they are older and see what you went through for them!
I love reading your blog, you make me laugh!! Keep up the great work girl!

Chris Sambrano said...

You are doing great Michele! This time is just a moment and then they will be grown. I would do anything to just have one day with all you kids small again, going to the beach, and tucking you all in bed:) So glad you enjoy your job and that you can still be a stay-at-home mom:)