Monday, August 9, 2010

Dear Summertime...please don't leave me

Well, it's official, summer is officially coming to an end. School starts in 2 weeks, and I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet. Ok, who am I kidding?! I will definitely be ready for the kids to start school again! I'm just not ready for what comes soon after that...SNOW! I hate snow. I hate winter. But, I love Colorado, so snow it is.
This has been a great summer. I've had so much fun with my kids! We spent the last 3 weeks in Utah just hanging out at the Lake, the pool, going to movies and being with family.

I hiked the Y in Provo with Jaydan very early one morning. I used to do it all the time as a teenager so I was so excited to take him there! We had so much fun! It was actually way harder than I remember!

Lindon Pool...this pool saves my life when I visit Utah in the summer. Jaydan does the FloRider all day! I need one in my backyard!

Jack and the cousins at the Lake

Mom and Cass

Grandma and girls

My beauties

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