Saturday, March 5, 2011

Happiness is a Choice...being a Debbie Downer is optional


Did you know that happiness is a choice? I know it doesn't always seem like it but it is. Just think about it. How can someone who has everything in life be miserable and yet someone that hardly has anything can be amazingly happy? It comes down to what they choose. Happiness is a conscious choice that we must make.

I have to be honest, the reason I wanted to write this post, was because over
the past week I have been a little bit of a debbie downer...whaa whaa...

I was just talking about this yesterday with a good friend of mine (who happens to
be a very positive person who always sees the glass half full!) I love people like
that in my life! We were talking about the effect negativity can have on people.
The truth is, the world is full of different personalities. You have the person who
has gone through trials and chooses to be the victim and publicly bashes or blames,
or the person who chooses to rise above and learn and grow from their trials.
I have definitely played both of these roles at one time or another in my life! Right
after my divorce, I had someone tell me to always hold myself with dignity and class
and never ever talk ill about my ex husband. Those words always stuck with me! Have
there been times when I didn't always hold myself with dignity?? YES! I'm only human.
There have even been times when I was completely immature and said something I shouldn't
have or stomped my foot like a child. (OK I never stomped my foot like a child but I
wanted to!) We have all been there! I have several people in my life who are such great
examples to me by their actions and how they consciously choose to be happy regardless
of their circumstances.

So today I introduce 2011 Project Be Happy!...(as i hear my kids running through the house
fighting and yelling "mommy!") And even though I hear World War 3 going on downstairs..I am
happy! So happy and so blessed for those little angels!!...ok I have to go I hear a kid crying happy be happy be happy

"Be happy and always model maturity, dignity and integrity whenever challenges occur"


Chris Sambrano said...

So so true Michele! Totally agree but, I as well, have trouble always choosing to be happy over being a Debbie Downer. But, I strive for happiness every day no matter what is going on in my life that isn't so happy:) My day goes so much better and I notice when I have a smile on my face, it helps others that may be having a bad day, smile back at me:) I love you

Jen-ben said...