Sunday, February 13, 2011

The small little moments...

Lately for me it seems like I have over looked the small little things in my life.  I have been pre-occupied with so much that I haven't taken any time to stop and smell the roses.  Some things that I may think are a big deal or that affect me, really are very trivial when I stop and think about it.  Life is too short and my children are growing too fast for me to not pay attention 100%.  Life's not the breath we take, but the moments that take our breath away...


the Lola Letters said...

I LOVE this.
So true.
Your kiddos are so great!!

One of my friends was looking at your New Year's card that you sent {SO freakin' cute by the way!!!!} and she was like "Oh my gosh, her family is SO BEAUTIFUL!" and I was like, "I know, right?!" and she was like, "Yeah!" and we were like "Whoa..." and like, such as ;)

Thanks for linking up!!

Chris Sambrano said...

Oh, I just loved the slide show and, yes, we all need to take time to smell the roses:) This life can get a hold of us and before we know it, we've let the little things that matter most pass us by. Help me smell the roses more Michele. You always know the right thing to say that helps me. I love you