Friday, January 21, 2011

The fight...

Today was an interesting day for me. I encountered something I have never had to deal with before...

  I heard the garage door open like I do everyday when Jaydan gets home from school.  Usually he calls out "hey mom, I'm home!"  Today I didn't hear him say anything.  I heard wheezing and a very faint..."Mom I'm having an asthma attack."  I ran downstairs to get Jaydan's inhaler out of my car and I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw his face.  His face and shirt were covered in blood.  I grabbed his inhaler and refrained from freaking out!!  I didn't even have to ask what happened.  Jaydan said "Mom, don't worry, I beat the crap out of the other guy!"  Ok what!!!???  You what!!???  
Well, turns out a group of 6th graders have been harassing him on his way home from school everyday.  We've always taught him to never start a fight, but if he had to defend himself that's ok.  He was defending himself.  
Nothing can prepare a mom to see her little boy with a bloody face and him all shooken up.  I think I handled it well.  I was very calm and told him I wasn't mad that he defended himself.  He is so sweet...he kept telling me he was fine and to not worry.  He went to take a bath and clean up then I went to my room and cried for a minute :)
I just realized that I wish I could protect my kids from the world! 
 That's impossible, but I wish I could...
 I wish I could keep them this little forever...



Jeremy and Kelli said...

That is horrible! Glad to hear he is OK though. I bet he showed those 6th graders a few moves!

Chris Sambrano said...

Oh man, when I saw that picture you text me, my stomach flipped flopped! I called you as you already know and talked with you and Jaydan. I remember when he was just a baby and he loved when I would hold him and tickle his arm to help him go to sleep. Why can't they stay little forever and under our care?! Well, he's a good boy and he did what he had to do. It's like our poor babies have to go out to war every day. Either fight against bullies or fight against Satan who tries to get them to make bad choices. Thank goodness Jaydan has a head on his shoulders to fight off both! I love you my first beautiful grand child! Keep putting on that Armor of God. It will protect you when you have to go out in that fierce, scary world.

Emnacnud said...

oh so sorry to hear that, but glad he is okay and that he beat them down, I totally agree don't start a fight, but do defend yourself! Way to go Jaydan!

Shana said...

Oh how horrible!! I had to deal with something similar a few weeks ago! Brayden had a 6th grader bullying him on his way to school and the kid pushed him down and punched him. Brayden punched him back as well but thankfully there was not any blood and it didn't escalate to that. I called the principal and had her talk to both Brayden and the other kid. Thankfully it has stopped but as moms, we just want to protect our children so much!!
I think you handled it so good because I know I would have freaked out and it would have been the wrong way!
You're awesome Michele!
I'm so sorry that had to happen! I hope the situation gets worked out and gets better!!