Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Week of Fun!

This week for the Thanksgiving Holiday, we had my sister Lindsay and her husband Jon come and visit us. We had so much fun!
Jon and Kayleigh

Cassidy in the snow

Mom and Kayleigh catching snowflakes

Snowball Fight!!!

Sheyanne, Michele and kids

Mom and Kayleigh at the Turkey Bowl

Jeff, Jon and Jaydan going for a plane ride with our friend who is a pilot

Jaydan got to fly the plane

Jaydan had a blast!


Nikki Moshier said...

don't ever let Jaydan go on one of those planes again! Those things go down all the time! Jeez! Paranoid? a little..sorry can't help it

Chris Sambrano said...

I'm with Nikki! Just don't tell me before hand anymore. Tell me after they've landed and are home and safe. I know I'm paranoid but what can I say I just love my kids and grandkids so much! You're all my life. Everyone looks so cute and look like you all had fun! Love ya mom

Sundbergs said...

How fun. I love all the snow.

Steelefamily said...

I see pictures of snow and I want to be there. I really only like it in theory though