Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Florida Vacation

On our vacation we did lots of:
posing for pictures
a lot of this

a little more of this...

Scuba diving

alligator hunting


held baby alligators

screamed while my husband lured alligators to our boat

goofed off

posing on the beach

An all around great time!!


Chris Sambrano said...

Looks so fun! Dad and I need to make another trip again. When, who knows!! You look tan and beautiful as usual. Love ya

Sundbergs said...

Sounds like lots of fun. Vacation rocks.

Liza Jane said...

Looks like a great trip! No alligators for me though - they totally scare me!

K. Laura said...

lots of posing! Looks beautiful there! Glad you guys had a great time. Jeff's always had a funny picture face--the goof ball.