Thursday, May 8, 2008

Beware! Ramblings from a Crazy Woman

Some people may wonder why I'm a little cookoo. (I know my husband does). Here's why:

6:30am - I did not wake up to the sun shining through my window, or robins chirping. I woke up to my 2 year old yelling, "MOMMY! NUMMY'S!"
7:30- The two older kids are out jumping on the trampline... It is raining today!
8:00- Quick prayer with the kids and Jaydan is off to school. Feeewww.
Put on Dora so I can at least get a little workout in for the day.
8:30-On the treadmill for 5 minutes. Phone calls are already pouring in about church stuff. (I am the compassionate service leader...Can't you tell?)
9:50-Shower, dressed, no makeup yet.
10:00- Kayleigh informs me her diaper is off and she has peepeed on the floor.
10:10- Start cleaning up the house.
11:45-Carpool to preschool
12:00-Kayleigh takes a nap! Halelleuah!
12:10-Find Kayleigh's diaper in the toilet
Start planning my lesson for Relief Society on Sunday
Start thinking about what to make for dinner
Start thinking I should go put on a little makeup
Start thinking I would rather read my new book "The Host" than plan a lesson.
Start to wish I was on a deserted island...alone!
2:30-pick up from preschool
run to the store
3:00-argue with Cassidy about doing her chores
3:30-Jaydan gets home
4:15- off to drum lessons
5:30-Baseball practice for Jaydan, soccer for Cassidy
6:00-Cook dinner, I have nothing, I make mac and cheese, I know everyone will complain
7:00- Cassidy fights with me. She is in her room the rest of the night. She screams and cry's for a half hour.
7:30- Do a little church history on my computer
8:00- Kayleigh to bed
8:30- Jaydan informs me his book report is due tomorrow and he needs props and a two minute presentation!
10:00- Jaydan to bed. I watch a show.
11:00- Jeff gets home from being out of town, snuggles me and says"hey baby." AAAHHHHH



Tara said...

I totally understand, I am the same way. I get up very early to work out and then the rest of the day is so crazy and a blur. Just know you are not alone I think every mom feels almost the same. Have a very good and relaxing mothers day!!!!!

Michelle Arnett said...

haha, This was a fantastic post. And this is why we get 1 day off a year for mothers day! I think it is a wonderful holiday and it should be made not annually but monthly! Lots of love to ya.

Unknown said...

I love it Michele! Although, you are the most competent and put together "crazy woman" that I know! You always look PERFECT, your kids always look PERFECT, and are always well behaved. But since I don't see you on a daily basis I know I miss all the background work you do to make it all seem perfect when I see you.
You are an awesome mom! And family history work at night??!!! "You so totally rock!"

Fauset Photography said...

ah ha ha ha ha! I so feeeel your pain! I love you.