Sunday, July 3, 2011

Dear Arizona...I guess you're not so bad

Goodbye Colorado...Hello new life

Well I did it!  I finally made the big move to Arizona!  June was a busy, stressful month!  We are finally here and we are getting settled, but I'm not sure it feels like home quite yet.  It was very difficult to say goodbye to the place I've known for the past 10 yrs, and especially saying goodbye to amazing friends I've grown to love.  
The kids are so excited to finally live so close to their daddy and are loving AZ so far! 
It's HOT here, but I will get used to it I'm sure:) 

goodbye house I love...time for me to shut the door and move on... 

last picture in our house

Welcome to AZ... our new house

Who needs anything else when you have a pool in the backyard! What lucky kids!